Thursday, December 5, 2019
Diagram ENISA Data Security Infrastructure ââ¬Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: Which Threat Would You Regard To Be The Most Significant And Why? What Could Be Done To Minimize Their Impact On The System? How Could The ETL Process Be Improved? Should ENISA Be Satisfied With Its Current State Of IT Security? Answers: Introducation The extensive collection is based on the data processes with the big data analytics that include the different and serious privacy concerns. The wider scale impacts of the surveillance, profiling is based on allowing the benefits without any invasion of the individual private spheres. The appraise big data is to integrate and focus on the protection of the data safeguards which aim at the support to handle the legal obligations. (Marions et al., 2012). ENISA works on the categorisation and the challenges which are used for the three cases mainly for the advancement in the Security Incident Event Management, the industrial control systems and the other telecoms. The privacy by the designing in big data is for processing the information with the big data analytics that have also given rise to the serious privacy concerns as well. The scale of the electronic surveillance, profiling and the other disclosures of the data is mainly to handle the integration with the data protection safegua rds that are set to work on addressing the different opportunities of the technology for privacy (Gorton, 2015). The security measures that have been taken are mainly for the smart grids which enable the efficient use of the energy. Along with this, ENISA works on the smart grid patterns where the analysis is for the risks assessment and to handle the set of the different theories (Barnard, 2014). The certification of the components and the meta-schemes are related to handle the supply chain view of the smart grid where the support comes from the dialogue among the stakeholders. ENISA works on the security network tools which have been used for the management of the technology and to handle the cyber security and for the data duplication. Here, the balancing of the threats is to target the different assets along with the management of the information. The control and the analysis is for handling the end user organisations with the relevant vendor markets. There are different security techniques which are important to be identified and worked on depending upon the attacks from SQL injection and the management to reduce the attack surface as well. The web based attacks are mainly important for the security experts which are considered to be greatest and handling the different risks. The different threats which are related to this are the traditional penetration testing which includes the exercising of the network with the attack target. The web based attacks mainly focus on the applications with the functional layers (Louis, 2013). Here, the web based attack is considered to be the major attack which leads to the malicious end user activity to breach the system protection mechanism. Along with this, there is a possibility that it includes the information gathered from the social security numbers and the other identity thefts which leads to the loss of information of ENISA (Fransen et al., 2015). Hence, for this, it is important that all the web application attacks are compromised or modified depending upon the parameters which are based on checking or handling the instruction spoofing. It includes the denial of service attack which includes the generation of the attack by the malicious users with the competitors and the script kiddies. Hence, it is also important to work on the authorisation control which is reliable and requisite based on guarding the sensitive information. The standards are set to meet the intellectual property rights with protecting the products of the intellect that includes the commercialised laws and the other literary or the artistic works. The business methods include the functioning and the standards set for the industrial purposes with different aspects of the attacks that are being conducted by an individual. It is important to focus on the applications with the attacks based on the target systems and associate with the suspected vulnerable applications. The applications also include the versions of the detection which could easily be performed through the banner grabbing (ENISA, 2013). The banner grabbing methods include the intrusion detection system and the preventive syste ms that are for the detective and the reactive devices which are set for the network and the other applications which include the targeted attacks. The standards are also set for the deployment of the demilitarized zones of the corporate networks and how it is easy to filter or block the attacks at the application layer services. The data manipulation attacks on the applications with the privileges on hosts relate to the different failures of the unauthorised logins and the access is done to the sensitive data as well. The malware is also another threat which can lead to the damages in the system which is considered to be the major global issue for the organisation. It also affects the system and the important files of the business where there is no possibility to recover them as well. The information could be set with the malware that are linked with URL of the websites and then it is installed in the systems. The software brings a major damage to the system (Theoharidou et al., 20 13). The threats are related to the media attention with the successful cyber-attacks, which creates the higher adaptability for the criminals. There are other agents like the cyber terrorists and the cyber criminals include the use of the Internet to conduct the different violent acts which leads to the threatening of the body. There are different terrorist activities which includes the use and relation to the deployment of disruption against the information system or primary purpose for creating alarms. This includes the use of the computer, network and the other public internet resources which leads to the failure and distribution for the personal objectives as well. The issues and the major concern is about the instances of cyberterrorism which includes the utilisation of the internet to connect and communicate with the supporters and even to recruit the different new members. The cybercrime is related to the computer or the network which includes the offences mainly related to the cr iminal motives to harm the reputation of the victim and then cause the physical and mental harm. There is a major loss which threatens the person with the national security and the financial health (Furnell et al., 2015). The governmental and the non-state actors engage in cybercrime which includes the financial theft and the other criminal cross borders. The standards are set with the altering, destroying or supressing mainly that leads to the concealing of any unauthorised transactions. The alterations or the deletion of the stored data has a major impact on the internet scam which includes the phishing and the social engineering effects, which includes the target on the consumers and the business. The cyberterrorism occurs on the website which includes the increased attacks on the corporate websites and how it includes the ability to operate and demand for the payments (Hopkins et al., 2015). The computer viruses, denial of service attacks and malware is considered to be the majo r issue which involves the lesser expertise in technical approach. The fraud and the identity theft is also considered to be the major issue which includes the use of the malware and the other hacking or the phishing targets. The tool includes the obscene with the offensive content that is mainly due to the communications done in between the people. ENISA focus on handling the harassment with taking hold of the self-motivated groups who work on the exploitation of the politics in the country. The cyber terrorists are also targeting all the large-scale sabotages with the national and the international security in the country. There are issues with the different trends which include the cyber maltreatment and how the identity theft or the collection of the private information, or the personalised data is set through the different operational activities (Levy et al., 2015). The process of ELS could be handled through the loading process which includes how the data is changed with the reduced forms of the categories that work on speeding up the higher volume of the ETL processes. With this, it also includes the different rows and the columns which includes the creation of the extra tables that tends to hold the data from any of the previous ETL processes. The use of the batching process could also be helpful in improving the performance where the standards are set to meet the data communication and handling the load on the network or any conflicts which are on the performing of the database. The flow of the user SQL Server Destination in the Data Flow Task need to work on the SQL patterns with handling the ETL processes by reducing any limitations and then working on the increased benefits. This will lead to the facilitation scenario and how communication could be done. From ETL 2013 to ETL 2015, it has been seen that there are different sets of the comprehensive information collection that is based on the source material. It includes the contexts and the other identification of the relevant content, like the threats or the agents and the trends. It includes how the ETL in 2014, works on the consolidation of the framework and check for the improvement of the different technological standards and the application areas (Prislan, 2014). This includes the references which works for the sources that are for the decision making, security and the other navigation processes through the threat landscape. In 2015, and in 2016, ETL has been working on the improvement of the system with smoother advancement of the maturity. Through this, there is a possibility to work on increased cooperation and the reactions for the cyber threats. This also works with the advancement of the malicious tools with obfuscation and striking power. Here, the objective is mainly to handle the provisions and work towards the identification and improving the processes (Skrzewski, 2014). It includes the leverages on the synergies and the use of the open source approaches, tools and the data. The objective is based on the project to work on the implementation of the improvement options with the ENISA working over the threat analysis procedures. Along with this, it is important for ENISA to focus on improving and handling the threats which are mainly through the deep research and from the references which includes the denial of service attacks. With this, ETL also includes the complex issues where there is a physical coating of the hardware devices. One need to identity the significant assets and the other assessments based on the standardised device interfaces. This includes the networks with the virtualisation that includes the centralised control over the networks, which includes the management of the network and the issues that relate to the data flow (Mayer et al., 2013). The attack is mainly on the component of the network with the major effect on the centralised control functions with the coupling that is over the data transmission through switches. The malware like the Trojans and worms are considered to be the challenging threats. This research is based on the conclusions where ENISA works towards the current state of the IT security standards which works on the different threats. This includes the prioritisation with the focus on the attack surfaces and how the injection attacks lead to the exploitation of the kits, spam and the phishing. The measures are mainly obtained through the ENISA which not only includes the reduced effects of the threats but also focus on the working over the security of the data. Here, the ETL processes are based on improving the data extraction and working on the insertion, and the medication patterns. This includes how the smoothening of the operations is possible with the different ETL processes (Furnell et al., 2015). The threats are generally related to the functioning which includes the embedded systems and how the hardware devices work on easy handling of the different components. This is based on the attacks and the breach of the data security measures. It is important to ha ndle the information leakage with the standards that include the higher security measures and the higher better security passwords which will help in easy and fast access of the information as well. With this, the study is also on how ENISA focus on the security framework which is based on providing and supporting with the better networking components (Bora et al., 2013). This includes the influence that comes with the processing and the working of the operations. The analysis is based on working over the security patterns and how it is easy to operate the functions based on the detailed information and the Threat agents. The social hacking issues also need to be resolved without any effect on the organisation. This is only possible, when there is a proper setup of the security tools and the impact of the services works on handling the current security standards and providing the brief. The strategies are based on the combating of the Insider Threats with the focus on how to handle the social hacking issues. The report discusses about the data that is related to the improvement of the ETL processes. This works on the handling of the balances of the security and then improving the maturity of the threat removal. It includes the proper balance of the threat and how the security measures can be handled along with working on the controlled analysis patterns. The strategies are depending upon the end-user organisations with the focus on improving the cyber terrorism activities and handle the big data with the secured passwords. ENISA need to work on the improvement with the firewall and Intrusion detection system. This will help in balancing and setting all the controlled analysis with the relevant marketing standards in the secured manner in the organisation (Weber et al., 2016). The effective coding practices with the proper reports are mainly for the improvement in the standards of the system. References Barnard-Wills, D. (2014). ENISA Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide for Smart Home and Converged Media.ENISA (The European Network and Information Security Agency). Bora, M. S., Singh, A. (2013). Cyber Threats and Security for Wireless Devices.Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering Technology (JECET),2(2), 277-284. ENISA, E. T. L. (2013). 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